Written problem sets:
- Homework 1 [.tex], assigned 8/24/23, due 8/31/23
- Homework 2 [.tex], assigned 8/31/23, due 9/7/23
- Homework 3 [.tex], assigned 9/14/23, due 9/21/23
- Homework 4 [.tex], assigned 10/10/23, due 10/18/23
- Homework 5 [.tex], assigned 10/19/23, due 10/26/23
- Homework 6 [.tex], assigned 11/09/23, due 11/16/23
- Homework 7 [.tex], assigned 11/28/23, due 12/6/23
Format and submission instructions.
You are strongly encouraged to typeset your homework submissions using LaTeX (if you do not know LaTeX yet, now is as good a time as any to learn it -- you will need it in grad school anyway). If you opt for handwritten submissions, make sure that they are legible -- if we cannot read it, we cannot grade it! All submissions will be done through Gradescope (link to be posted soon).
Multiple attempts will be allowed, but only your last submission before the deadline will be graded.
We reserve the right to take off points for not following directions.
Course policies:
Late submission policy:
- Free late days for homework assignments: Each student gets a total of four free late days that apply to homework assignments throughout the whole semester. As long as you stay within your total late days budget, there is no need to request an extension and no late penalty will be assessed.
- Late penalty: If you are out of late days, for every day that your assignment is late, your score is multiplied by 0.6. Submissions that are more than four days late (beyond any free days) will not be accepted. You are not allowed to submit different parts of the assignment at different times to receive a late penalty on only part of the assignment.
- Extension requests: Extension requests beyond the free late days will be granted only in case of extraordinary circumstances. If you think that your circumstances qualify, email the instructor.
Academic integrity: Feel free to discuss the assignment with each other in general terms,
and to search the Web for general guidance (not for complete solutions). All solutions should be written up
individually. If you make substantial use of some information from outside sources,
be sure to acknowledge the sources in your solution. At the first instance of cheating (copying from other students or unacknowledged sources on the Web), a grade of zero will be given for the assignment. At the second instance, you will automatically receive an F for the entire course.