ECE 498MR: Introduction to Stochastic Systems (Spring 2016)

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Your final grade in ECE 498MR will be determined according to the following revised point weighting formula:

Written problem sets:

Programming assignments:

Format and submission instructions. There are two programming assignments using iPython notebooks. Be sure to install the Jupyter Notebook app following these instructions.

The files will be submitted through Compass 2g. Upload instructions:

  1. Log into and go to Spring 2016 ECE 489 - Intro to Stochastic Systems - Sections MR, MR2.
  2. Select Course Content from the left column.
  3. Select Programming Assignment X (where X is the number of the current assignment) from the list, and follow the instructions.
  4. Upload your iPython notebook as an attachment.
  5. Hit Submit.
Multiple attempts will be allowed, but only your last submission before the deadline will be graded. We reserve the right to take off points for not following directions.

Take-home final exam:

The take-home final exam is due by the end of Friday, May 13. The solutions are to be submitted in pdf format via Compass2g.

Course policies:

Late policy: No late submissions will be accepted. If you have a compelling reason for not being able to submit the assignment on time and would like to make a special arrangement, you must send me email at least a week before the due date (any genuine emergency situations will be handled on an individual basis).

Academic integrity: Feel free to discuss the assignment with each other in general terms, and to search the Web for general guidance (not for complete solutions). All solutions should be written up individually. If you make substantial use of some information from outside sources, be sure to acknowledge the sources in your solution. At the first instance of cheating (copying from other students or unacknowledged sources on the Web), a grade of zero will be given for the assignment. At the second instance, you will automatically receive an F for the entire course.